Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I never seem to fair well when it comes to introductions. I suppose I'll start with the basics. My name is Ghia, I'm 20 years old and this is a blog I'll be keeping for my Ethics course @ BHCC. I consider myself an ethical person, and I find irony quite comical, hence the title of this blog.

This is where I find myself tongue-tied yet again. I'm supposed to be introducing myself but I haven't a clue what to write. These last few years have been filled with equal parts of everything and nothing, leading me to make profound revelations about Life and priority. Everyone lives life differently with different sorrows, pleasures and priorities. My priority (and pleasure) is to be the best person I can be and to always act with love. Others can say "Hi, I'm ______ and I like to sing, read, be active, etc." but I don't know how to introduce myself that way. I usually say something along the lines of "Hi I'm Ghia, what would you like to know about me?". I don't have any specific hobbies or interests because I love everything. To me, life is about reveling in the moment and taking things as they come. I suppose the reason it's difficult for me to introduce myself is because nothing is more important to me than fair treatment of individuals and acting through love. I take things for what they are and do my best to enjoy and experience it all. Almost anything we do is merely a form of entertainment and has little to do with the individuals themselves. What defines a person is not what they do, but the love they have for themselves and others. My priority is love.

Hi, I'm Ghia and I love.